
Conda Installation

Conda is a package manager that can be installed on Linux, Windows, and Mac. If you have not yet installed conda on your computer, follow these instructions : Conda Installation.

OpenAlea Installation

The recommended way to install OpenAlea is to create a new conda environment.

First, create an environment named openalea:

Launch a console or a terminal (See Anaconda Prompt in Start menu on windows).
In this console, to install a given openalea package <package_name> with its dependencies,
execute this::
conda create -n openalea -c openalea openalea.<package_name>

Here is an example if you want only PlantGL, lpy, MTG and Caribu:

conda create -n openalea -c openalea openalea.plantgl openalea.lpy openalea.mtg alinea.caribu boost=1.66

Activate the openalea environment:

conda activate openalea

In this environment, you may also want to install other Scientific Python packages:

conda install notebook=5.4 matplotlib pandas

In the documentation of each package, a installation procedure is described.